Dr. Davina’s Dots
Jazzed-Up Inspiration
Dr. Davina's Dots is the electrifying fusion of spoken inspiration and jazz music, where positive music and uplifting messages harmoniously converge, creating a powerful and transformative experience for listeners.
On Air Schedule
Sunday @12 Pm EST on WMEL https://www.wmelradio2012.comSunday @8 PM on Spinwax Radio https://spinwaxradio.comSunday @5 PM EST on STL smooth Jazz https://www.stlsmoothjazz.comSunday @ 3 PM EST on Awesome Al Radio https://awesomealradio.comMonday @1PM EST on Raw Soul Radio Live (UK) https://www.rawsoulradiolive.comTuesday @12PM EST on Otune Radio (US, Can, UK) https://www.Otuneradio.comTuesday @6 Pm EST on Pulse International Radio https://www.phazesintl.comTuesday @ 3:30Pm EST on Love of life Family RadioWednesday @9PM EST on Hindsight Radio https://www.hindsightmediaradio.comThursday @3:30 PM EST on Love of life Family RadioThursday @ 8 PM EST on Legend Radio Thursday @6 Pm EST on CTJamz Radio http://www.ctjamz.comThursday @9AM on Chocolate radio UK https://chocolate-radio.comThursday @10PM EST on Indie Soul Radio https://www.indiesoulradio.comThursday @5 Pm EST on Indiemusicnetwork https://www.indie-music-network.comFriday @8PM EST on Spinwax Radio https://spinwaxradio.com